1. Start an unknown value search while just standing still.
2. If the game leaves the player standing completely still, then it's safe to assume the Y speed isn't changing. Move around then stand still again. Search Equal to. Repeat a few times if desired.
3. Now here's where signed searching differs from GLEE. The Y speed is positive while rising up, negative while falling, and either 0 or slightly less when standing still. Press the jump button and quickly freeze the game while the player is still rising. Search Greater Than.
4. As the player begins to fall, search Less Than.
5. When the player hits the ground and is standing still again, search Greater Than.
6. Now jump again, and quickly freeze the game while rising once more. Do a Greater Than search.
7. This may have been enough to get down to a decent amount of results. If not, repeat the steps as needed, remembering the way Y speed values work signed.
8. Once the results are done enough to warrant even looking at them, look for the positive, negative, 0/negative combination of current and previous values for each result. Pick out the ones worth trying and test them with the positive value. The value may still need to be increased a little, but again, keep in mind the signing factor. Don't raise it too high and turn it negative or the player will be glued to the ground.
9. Take the right address and value, and put the code on an activator for pressing the jump button (or other button, if desired).
10. Up, up, and away!
2. If the game leaves the player standing completely still, then it's safe to assume the Y speed isn't changing. Move around then stand still again. Search Equal to. Repeat a few times if desired.
3. Now here's where signed searching differs from GLEE. The Y speed is positive while rising up, negative while falling, and either 0 or slightly less when standing still. Press the jump button and quickly freeze the game while the player is still rising. Search Greater Than.
4. As the player begins to fall, search Less Than.
5. When the player hits the ground and is standing still again, search Greater Than.
6. Now jump again, and quickly freeze the game while rising once more. Do a Greater Than search.
7. This may have been enough to get down to a decent amount of results. If not, repeat the steps as needed, remembering the way Y speed values work signed.
8. Once the results are done enough to warrant even looking at them, look for the positive, negative, 0/negative combination of current and previous values for each result. Pick out the ones worth trying and test them with the positive value. The value may still need to be increased a little, but again, keep in mind the signing factor. Don't raise it too high and turn it negative or the player will be glued to the ground.
9. Take the right address and value, and put the code on an activator for pressing the jump button (or other button, if desired).
10. Up, up, and away!
Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:51 pm by [WAR]Nick Crepeau
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